Monday: Scheduled rest day... not that I deserved it for how badly I ate all weekend. I left it in the schedule so I could get back on track for the rest of the week. It was the first day of my tea-instead-of-coffee challenge. I decided to move from 3-4 cups of coffee a day to 3-4 cups of [hot] tea a day. Why? Because the amount of creamer I consume in a cup of coffee is ridiculous. It blows my whole caloric count for the day. I figured I'd give tea a shot for my daily caffiene requirements... since I only take it with Splenda. So Monday wasn't a total "rest" day. A day without the wonderful flavor of coffee is a rough day for me.
Tuesdsay: Time to do it right. 0430 wake up call & 3 miles. Tried the Saucony Kinvaras one last time... still not the right shoe for me. Experienced some mild IT band discomfort, but pushed through it. Spent a lot of time at work stretching to keep it as limber as possible. As usual, did my upper body weight session with my trainer. By bedtime, I was ready for it.
Wednesday: Another early morning, but this time with a 4 mile pace run. I think I'm finally figuring out how to do a pace run, which is a new experience for me. I completed it in 42 minutes, which my Garmin footpod said was a 10:20 pace. This time, I was smart. I ran in my trusty Newtons. It's amazing how my running gait physically changed & I felt the difference (guess I shouldn't mess with what works, right?). I was smoked, but I didn't feel like I exhausted myself. I assume that's what a pace run should feel like. So it was an excellent morning. I even took a picture.
Thursday: I ended up going to bed much later than usual, so I decided to sleep in a bit on Thursday. I also forgave myself immediately for doing so. I knew my body wouldn't operate very well without it. I spent the evening with my trainer; we worked legs. We even foam-rolled my legs out, something I'm sure we'll be doing more of. One of my favorite things about lifting weights is that I can have a good workout without feeling exhausted at the end. It feels awesome. I also noticed an unintentional sneaker circle under our spare bed.
This is getting out of control. There are 2 pairs missing. |
Friday evening was awesome. Girls' Night Out with a friend. We hit up H&M for some shopping & had an amazing dinner. Thanks to my very excellent friend, I bought clothes that actually fit. I also didn't go overboard in the spending. Dinner was excellent; Filet in a Dijon mustard sauce. And yes, I took a picture.
Saturday: I didn't sleep well, but I slept later than I normally do... I guess that made up for it. I pulled my crap together really fast & headed to the post gym for a Saturday morning Body Pump class. If you're not familiar, it's like cardio-weight lifting timed to music. It's a smoker, that's for sure. I'm so proud I got up & made it to the class. It was very different from the type of exercise I'm used to. I really enjoyed it. I showered at the gym, bought groceries, cleaned the 1st floor of my house & put away all my laundry. Too much nervous energy, I guess. At about 6 PM, I forced myself to sit down & relax my legs for Long Run Sunday.
Sunday: 7 mile Sunday. Holy Crap. Completed in 1:21:25, 11:37 pace. I'm told that's a pretty smoking pace for a Run/Walk; I was holding back a bit because I was with someone not used to running my style. Yes, you read that right. I have a runbuddy now.
And no, we did not coordinate our outfits. I always rock the running skirt. I didn't know she also has a fondness for girlie fitness clothing. The entire run, we were getting honked at &
It was a great run, mostly because I lasted the entire time & my leg didn't really hurt. At about 5.5 miles, I felt like I was getting a blister. By 6.5 miles, I knew I had a blister. But I pushed through the pain by my iPod, which shuffled to this song for the remaining 0.5 miles. Not joking; it actually happened. There's nothing quite like doing a wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle [yeah] down the street as you're rejoicing the completion of a long run.
So that's my week. Definitely the most successful week I've had in a long time. Now I owe myself a nap & a nice lunch. Hope you all had a great week, too!
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