Sunday, April 29, 2012

Breakdown: Week 11 & it's almost time...

After a week of strep throat followed by a week of vacation, I struggled to get back in the groove this week. And with only 2 weeks to go, I tried really hard. I didn't eat as well as I should've, but I'm getting there.

Monday: Regularly-scheduled rest day. Since I was trying to get back on my usual schedule, I took it. I ate very well that day, too.

Tuesday: My first run. 5k perimeter run with my running partner, StephBot. She had also been off for a couple of weeks. She also had a double-stroller with her. So for the first 2 miles, we cruised. Then it started to hail/rain, so StephBot had to bail. I kept going & made the entire 5k loop in 35 minutes at an 11:06 pace. I didn't feel too badly about it; it simply felt great to run. After that, I did an hour of upper body weights with my trainer. Definitely a productive day.

Wednesday: I decided to make the 5-miler a pace run, so I hopped on my treadmill after work. I also wore my brand new Newton Distance U shoes I'd gotten at the London Marathon Expo. These have a little stability support, something I've never tried before. I fell in love with these shoes at the Expo; they're only 7 ounces because the heel has no rubber on it. It's all EVA foam. That means I have to be perfect on my form or else I'll wear out the soles very quickly. Let's put all that together (2 weeks off, new shoes) & do a pace run, shall we? Not exactly the smartest decision I've ever made, but I wanted to know what I had in the tank. And I hit 5 miles @ 9:48 pace in 49 minutes. Can't really be sad about that! Afterwards, I slipped on my Zensah compression sleeves because I knew I was in for sore calves.

Thursday: Sore calves? No surprise there. Also my husband's 40th birthday. So instead of breaking my body, I elected for a rest day & enjoyed it. There are days when you have to put family first & this was one of them. After all, you only turn 40 once. We needed to celebrate (mourn? I don't know).

Friday: The day before a big party at our house... & my 12-miler. I had to spend the evening cleaning/prepping the house for guests, so there wasn't any time after work to get in any miles. I should've/could've gotten up for a pre-work run, but I was just too tired.

Saturday: 12-miler party day. OMG. I woke up & got moving a bit later than I expected to, but I didn't let that bother me. In fact, this is how I started my run:
Before the run, I'm feeling good.
I set out the door & about 3 miles in, my legs still felt stiff. I wasn't having a good time. It was quite a struggle. At about 5 miles, I knew I had some trouble; my IT band was not cooperating. At 6.47 miles, I stopped to rest at a picnic bench. My IT band was screaming at me, making it difficult to run. At 7 miles, I actually thought to myself, "I don't want to do this anymore. It's not worth it." I called Mr. X & asked him to pick me up. I waited in front of the Rotunda for my ride.
At least it's pretty.
While I stood there, I thought about my run. And the fact that I wasn't able to complete my final long run. And you know what? I didn't feel that bad. Not every run goes as planned. Not every run is the best run of your life. Even though I didn't finish the miles I wanted, I know I'll be able to finish the half marathon, even if I don't hit my ambitious target of 2:15:00.

I got home, took a nap & a shower, then waited for the guests to arrive. Why? Mr. X's 40th birthday party! Up all night, drinking lots of booze & playing lots of Rock Band. It was great.

Me & Mr. X

Rock on! I'm all responsible with water.

Sunday: After a full night of partying, you'd think I'd sleep in. But I didn't. I got up, ate cake for breakfast (yes, I'm dumb), & rode my shiny Cannondale to the gym for an hour session with my trainer. 4.1 miles there, 4.1 miles back, plus the entire hour. When I got home, I was smoked. And probably dehydrated. With a house to clean from a fabulous party.

This time next week, I'll be a half-marathon finisher. It's going to be awesome. Time to spend a week stretching & foam rolling. It's going to be awesome.

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