Monday, July 11, 2011

Breakdown: Week 5 & almost alive...

Week 5 of marathon training is complete.

Monday: Hello, rest day & Happy Birthday America! I'd run 7 miles the previous day, so I was glad to have a break. I wasn't hurting per se; I think I just needed a mental break from all the fitness. There was an Independence Day Celebration on post, so we spent the day just relaxing & being proud Americans. We also hit up my favorite local gardening center... I've got some plants to dig up & re-plant.

Tuesday: My trainer decided it would be a good day to try out the TRX System. It was a killer-fabulous workout. I went home feeling like I'd really had a great workout.

Wednesday: 5 miles in 54 minutes. That's a 10:55 pace. I couldn't have asked for a better way to start my day. I'd decided to try my hand at a pace run & had more success than I'd have thought possible. I also realized I'd put more than 100 miles on my Newton Lady Isaacs. It was a most excellent day.

Thursday: An unexpected rest day. My trainer had to cancel, which turned out to be lucky because my husband had a work dinner he didn't tell me about until noon. On the day of the event. So the universe worked itself out, I guess.

Friday: As runs go, not that great. My husband had the morning off, so he came out to run with me. That's nice, right? Well, I came out of the gate way too fast & was not doing well by the end of the run. I called it at 4.5 miles, even though I was aiming for 5, just for sheer exhaustion. It as an 11:20 pace overall, so I wasn't quite as slow as I thought. But I felt awful.

Saturday: Rest day, which involved cleaning & watching "Lost" on Blu Ray... no, I never finished the series, so I'm in a marathon session of finally finishing it.

Sunday: My long run day was blown to hell. After a day of watching tv & cleaning, I woke up & was completely unable to look all the way down. I had no range of motion with my neck & shoulders... stiff necks are the worst!! I did it to myself, I know, but when I woke up at 0620 for my morning run, I could barely reach the alarm to shut it off! I decided to skip the run for the day... & then spent the rest of the day watching "Lost" & feeling guilty for wimping out.

Was it the right decision? Probably... but I felt badly about it for the rest of the day. It led to a shame-spiral of eating crap the entire day. Weird reaction to not being able to work out & I do it every single time my body holds me back. I guess my brain goes into the "What does it matter since I can't run" mode & I completely blow it.

Week 5 is over & I can't say I'm not disappointed with how it ended. The only thing I can do now is start Week 6 off strong, which is what I plan to do. Details in the next Breakdown!

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