Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Strep Throat, London Calling

Yes, I've been away for awhile. The past 2 weeks have been a real whirlwind for me. On Monday, 9 April 2012, I started feeling unwell. Right around lunch time. By 5 PM, I knew I was sick. I went to the doctor the very next day & was diagnosed with strep throat. GAH! I had to stay home for a period of 24 hours, which was fine with me considering I was about to go on vacation. 

So yes. Once again, in the grand tradition that is "me," I left for vacation on Saturday whilst still ill. And going to London with the sniffles is not a whole lot of fun. I spent the first few days wanting to run the Kensington Gardens/Hyde Park loop, but I was too sick to manage it. Then, when I was finally feeling better, the weather didn't allow for it.

The result? No running for the past 2 weeks. And the half marathon is 2 weeks away. Funny thing is I'm not overly-nervous about it. I decided not to stress about it while on vacation; it's not like I could control the weather or the stupid head cold. Instead, I enjoyed London & everything it had to offer.

At Hamleys on Regent Street

Big Ben, Parliment

This time with a bus!

At Hever Castle, home of Anne Boleyn

At Hever Castle Gardens

Phantom of the Opera!
 Now it's time to get back on the wagon & focus on the next 2 weeks. Because in 2 weeks, it's "go time." Holy crapballs.


  1. Just think....You are really rested up for that 1/2!!! Nice vacation photos!!! It looked like you had London to yourself. How relaxing!!

    1. We did a LOT of walking, so I think I kept in shape. And at my weigh in when I got back, I happily discovered I didn't gain any "real" weight. That's what I was the most worried about, so it was awesome to see I didn't gain. I've got my 12 mile run this Saturday; after a 3-miler yesterday, I'm not really worried at all. I think just one week will whip me back into shape. Or at least I hope it will. ;D
