Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week in Review

2 weeks ago, I had a nice Saturday in Venice. We all remember the result; I gained back 3 lbs. I was okay with that because it taught me a lot about my limitations. My limitation is: I don't get "cheat" days. I have to make the effort to stay on track so I don't slip.

I got right back on the wagon this past week. I stuck to the eating plan & did a lot of exercise.

See? I log my exercise at DailyMile. I'm a big fan because it's very social & I'm sent a "Week in Review" email at the close of the week. I can see I had a fabulous week.

Curious about the result?

Please note I finally had time for a proper pedicure.  ;D

OH HELL YEAH!!! I was able to make it all better... & I've been sticking with it. This week is "hell week" at work: 2 days of conferences with all the foodie treats, cake, desserts, & wonderful Italian food you can imagine. 

And I've eaten NONE of it. Not even the cake everyone told me was one of the best cakes they've ever had. Not one bite. All thanks to this photo.

My goal for this week is to maintain. I don't have much time for exercise due to the work schedule, so I've set the realistic goal to maintain this [general] weight... always have to account for normal weight fluctuations, but I refuse to regress a la Venice. 

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! I know that feels so good. I love when you do well and your reward is your own. So proud of you!
